Spank the Yanks
In a comment that emphasizes either ignorance or pure stupidity, Hank Steinbrenner was quoted as saying the following in regards to the Red Sox fan base....
"Red Sox Nation?" What a bunch of [expletive] that is." That was a creation of the Red Sox and ESPN, which is filled with Red Sox fans."
"Go anywhere in America and you won't see Red Sox hats and jackets, you'll see Yankee hats and jackets. This is a Yankee country. We're going to put the Yankees back on top and restore the universe to order."
Right about now I'm thinking that maybe MLB should explore mandatory drug testing for front office personnel. Is Hank kidding anybody but himself? Every Red Sox fan in America has heard nothing but "Bandwagon Fan" bullshit from Yankee fan's since the Sox won in 2004. So which is it Hanky? Are there just millions and millions of bandwagon fans or are there just no Red Sox fans to be found across America and, apparently, the world?
I think Hank is coming across like he has a slight case of denial and possibly envy.
While we're exploring this topic I wonder what his thoughts would be on some others....
- What do you think about the Holocaust Hank? Answer- Never happened.
- What are your thoughts on the moon landing? Answer- Conspiracy, never really happened.
- When was the last time you pulled your head out of your ass and took a good look around? Answer- I don't know, it's been quite a while I guess.
Thanks for the Q&A Hank.I can't wait to see how many new ways Red Sox fans will come up with this year to annoy both Hank and the Yankees. At the end of the day I believe Hank will have no doubt as to who's really on top and what Red Sox Nation is all about.
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