Best Fights in Boston Sports History. You have to watch this video!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Let's Get It On!!!

Well, tomorrow is the day. All the talk will stop and the action will begin. Will it be 19-0? Will it be history in the making? Will it be a Giant upset? (I hope not) Will a Patriot's victory only add fuel to the Spygate fire? All these questions, and more, will be answered soon enough. In the meantime, enjoy the game, the commercials, and the beer. I know I will!

BallHype: hype it up!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Did I Already Say Enough with Spygate??

So it seems as though all the big news again today is Spygate. From former Patriots employees looking for their 15 minutes of fame (i.e. Matt Walsh), to just about every sports writer in the known universe, this is once again the main focus of the upcoming Super Bowl. This has me asking myself one question: Why do we as people prefer to focus on the negative things out there in the world much more than the positive ones?

From the nightly news to the daily papers we just can't seem to get enough of Britney Spears' latest meltdown or O.J Simpson, or anything having to do with death and destruction. Why is that? Could it be that we just take joy in others misery because it makes us feel better about our own personal situations? Does it allow us to justify where we find ourselves in life by finding a reason to tear down people who have achieved a high degree of success? We have on our doorstep an opportunity to see perfection, and no doubt history, from a franchise that has built a winning tradition based on team unity and a singular vision of the task at hand. That task is taking care of business. The Patriots are a well oiled machine and now people hate them for that. Would we be hearing about all this if the Patriots were 15-3 right now? Not a chance! The fact that they are on the verge of achieving something special is the only reason for all the negativity.

It's a sad world we live in when an event that has all the makings of an uplifting story line takes a back seat to the nonsense we are witnessing today. That's right boys and girls, take note, if you get close to achieving your dreams the media and the masses will surely be looking for an opportunity to put you back in your place. Right or wrong it doesn't matter. Negativity sells, and unfortunately that's the American Way.

BallHype: hype it up!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Enough with Spygate Already!

Is anyone besides me tired of this Spygate nonsense? Can people out there really be stupid enough to believe that what the Patriots did in week one has given them any unfair advantage since that day? I understand that controversy sells books and newspapers and draws internet traffic and all of that ultimately turns into money, but can the people reporting on this really believe what they're arguing? For example, check out this article by Tim Dahlberg. In the article Bruce Svare, who is the head of the National Institute of Sports Reform, compares the Patriots to Barry Bonds and says that....

“In my view they should go down with an asterisk the same way Barry Bonds should go down. They cheated the game, cheated the integrity of the game.”
So here's my problem with this, Mr. Svare. With you being from New York, would you say that the Yankees should have an asterisk next to their records because they had players who were cheating and contributing to their victories? I mean, that has a pretty big impact on a win-loss record doesn't it? There isn't even any proof that the Patriots had an opportunity to use the video that they recorded from that game. Did they have the video? Yes they did. But that is the equivalent of having steroids and never using them, isn't it? Even if they did have time to use it how would that have helped them in, say, last weeks game against the Chargers? Or the week before that against the Jaguars? The fact is, it didn't and it wouldn't. This is just another example of trying to fabricate a story out of something that isn't one any longer. As I've said before, did they break the rules? Yes. Did they pay the fines? Yes, and they suffered the penalty handed down from the NFL. That should be the beginning and the end of it right there. For those who don't believe it is, I will leave you with this thought.
The New York Yankee's World Series Victories from 1996 on should look like this in the record books then.....

BallHype: hype it up!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Is Plaxico Smarter than a 5th Grader?

Currently, I am sitting here in front of my computer contemplating, amongst other things, Plaxico Burress' Super Bowl prediction. I don't have a problem with the prediction. I don't even have a problem with the guarantee of victory. However, like most other people, I do have a problem with the score itself. Did he not see what happened the last time these teams played one another? Is he just no good at math? Or maybe he's just smarter than everyone else and he knows something that most people don't. Just for the record, I'm pretty sure it's not that last one.

So what could have possessed him to give such a prediction? Could he really believe that it will be that kind of low scoring game? Is it possible that he hasn't watched any game film of the Patriots this season? I can only think of one good reason why he would throw those numbers out there, and that is, good ole' fashioned air time. In this sound bite world that we live in there is no better way to get some publicity than to say something stupid or controversial. Just look at Miss Teen South Carolina and her now infamous "map speech".

Anyway, with all that said, I figure this is as good a time as any to put down the game prediction. These numbers have no statistics, insider information, or intelligence behind them (drum roll please..........................)

New England Patriots 34
New York Giants 27

And Boston continues it's reign of dominance over New York in the 2000's!

I would also like to place an over under on how many Payton Manning commercials we will see during the game. I'll set the line at 4.5. What do you think?

BallHype: hype it up!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Boston vs New York

As Super Bowl Sunday quickly approaches, the country is once again faced with a familiar post season sports sight, and that is, Boston vs New York. To people within these two regions this is another great match up and another opportunity to stick it to a rival city. For others, it’s just another “Red Sox vs Yankees” post season and it seems as though a lot of people have had enough of that already. To those people I say: Too bad! Get a better team! And if you don’t like it then don’t watch as the Patriots go for perfection and Boston sports once again adds to it’s growing resume of putting New York in it’s place since the turn of the millennium. Go Pats!

BallHype: hype it up!