Best Fights in Boston Sports History. You have to watch this video!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Is Plaxico Smarter than a 5th Grader?

Currently, I am sitting here in front of my computer contemplating, amongst other things, Plaxico Burress' Super Bowl prediction. I don't have a problem with the prediction. I don't even have a problem with the guarantee of victory. However, like most other people, I do have a problem with the score itself. Did he not see what happened the last time these teams played one another? Is he just no good at math? Or maybe he's just smarter than everyone else and he knows something that most people don't. Just for the record, I'm pretty sure it's not that last one.

So what could have possessed him to give such a prediction? Could he really believe that it will be that kind of low scoring game? Is it possible that he hasn't watched any game film of the Patriots this season? I can only think of one good reason why he would throw those numbers out there, and that is, good ole' fashioned air time. In this sound bite world that we live in there is no better way to get some publicity than to say something stupid or controversial. Just look at Miss Teen South Carolina and her now infamous "map speech".

Anyway, with all that said, I figure this is as good a time as any to put down the game prediction. These numbers have no statistics, insider information, or intelligence behind them (drum roll please..........................)

New England Patriots 34
New York Giants 27

And Boston continues it's reign of dominance over New York in the 2000's!

I would also like to place an over under on how many Payton Manning commercials we will see during the game. I'll set the line at 4.5. What do you think?

BallHype: hype it up!