Is anyone besides me tired of this Spygate nonsense? Can people out there really be stupid enough to believe that what the Patriots did in week one has given them any unfair advantage since that day? I understand that controversy sells books and newspapers and draws internet traffic and all of that ultimately turns into money, but can the people reporting on this really believe what they're arguing? For example, check out this article by Tim Dahlberg. In the article Bruce Svare, who is the head of the National Institute of Sports Reform, compares the Patriots to Barry Bonds and says that....
“In my view they should go down with an asterisk the same way Barry Bonds should go down. They cheated the game, cheated the integrity of the game.”
So here's my problem with this, Mr. Svare. With you being from New York, would you say that the Yankees should have an asterisk next to their records because they had players who were cheating and contributing to their victories? I mean, that has a pretty big impact on a win-loss record doesn't it? There isn't even any proof that the Patriots had an opportunity to use the video that they recorded from that game. Did they have the video? Yes they did. But that is the equivalent of having steroids and never using them, isn't it? Even if they did have time to use it how would that have helped them in, say, last weeks game against the Chargers? Or the week before that against the Jaguars? The fact is, it didn't and it wouldn't. This is just another example of trying to fabricate a story out of something that isn't one any longer. As I've said before, did they break the rules? Yes. Did they pay the fines? Yes, and they suffered the penalty handed down from the NFL. That should be the beginning and the end of it right there. For those who don't believe it is, I will leave you with this thought.
The New York Yankee's World Series Victories from 1996 on should look like this in the record books then.....
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