While everyone else in the sports world is focusing on things like: Blame runs deep for Pats, and The Patriots still define the 2007 season, I'm going to focus on something a lot more important. That is....Why the f#!k did I have to sit there and watch Ryan Seacrest? Is this what the NFL thinks that we want to see before the biggest football game of the season? If I wanted to see someone like Ryan Seacrest before the game I would have been tuned into the Lifetime Channel or watched Will & Grace for 3 hours. Whoever thought that was a good idea should be fired, or better yet, forced to watch his favorite sporting event or television show with Seacrest edited into it, interrupting every 15 minutes. I think Frank Caliendo hit the nail on the head when he said...
"Boy, nothing says 'NFL-tough' like Ryan Seacrest. I guess Richard Simmons was booked."
Terry Bradshaw threw in his two cents as well by stating...
"Seacrest, the only time I thought I'd see you at the Super Bowl would be as a cheerleader."
For all true football fans I think that says it all. Not only do I believe that most fans were greatly annoyed every time Seacrest was put in front of them, (I personally paused my DVR to accumulate enough of a buffer to skip through the Seacrest BS) but I also believe that people don't want to be bombarded with these celebrities that are only at the game to steal some of the limelight and push their own personal agendas. If anything, it just reminds me that a ticket to the game costs $5,000 because all the corporations and celebrity A-Holes scoff them all up because it's an opportunity to be seen. Meanwhile, the true fans of the game, the people that buy the merchandise and tune into the games week in and week out get the shaft and are forced to accept the reality that, in all likelihood, they will never have the pleasure of cheering on their team at a Super Bowl game.

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