Last week a Democratic Congressman from New York by the name of Anthony Weiner asked the FBI to stop the investigation into whether or not Roger Clemens committed perjury. Weiner was quoted as saying:
"Roger Clemens has been shamed. I think the public record is replete with examples of how he did not likely tell the truth. What is the public benefit of continuing with an FBI investigation?"
In a letter to the U.S. Attorney General Weiner went on to say this:
"Whether or not Roger Clemens may have committed perjury should not compete with real national security threats for the FBI's time, attention and resources."
This has me completely torn. Ever since the government starting messing with Barry Bonds I have been one of those people who thought it was a major waste of time and money to carry out an investigation into steroid use in baseball. Would you want the government coming in and drug testing at your job?
But here's the thing. They already wasted time, money, and resources. They have already opened up Pandora's box. What kind of message will it send to the American people if they just decide to drop the investigation? Weiner has pretty much shared his opinion on Roger Clemens' testimony already and that seems to be that Clemens is guilty. Has he been shamed? Sure he has, but Marion Jones was shamed and where is she now? Has Barry Bonds been adequately shamed? If so, I guess they have to drop that investigation too. Where does it end? Is shame the new prison sentence for perjury?
The fact is this; the government has already got involved with something that they shouldn't have. Maybe dropping the investigation is even the right thing to do. Here's the thing though, to people like you and I all this looks like is another example of a rich guy being given a get out of jail free card just because he can afford it.
To you, the reader, I ask this: If they decide not to go forward with the investigation will you see it as a compassionate decision or will you see it as a slap in the face to the rest of us who are held accountable by law for our actions? Lastly, if they do choose to drop the investigation, what do they do about Barry Bonds? Seems that this would have to be a package deal wouldn't it? Let me know your thoughts on this one.
i think it has been an extreme waste of time for the government to do this too. seriously the fbi needs to investigate perjury? shouldn't they be investigating where the steroids are coming from? did McNamee make HGH himself? but i hate the guys that can't admit it when they have been caught. so they should nail roger with this. that politician is way too late to be saying this sh$t
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