Best Fights in Boston Sports History. You have to watch this video!

Friday, January 25, 2008

The Belichick Show

Is anyone besides me getting a real kick out of this whole Tom Brady boot thing? Just looking at the smirk on Belichick's face during his last press conference as he said to the media....

"I don't have any comment on it. The injury report will be out next Wednesday and we're excited to give that to you. That form will be filled out completely and I can't wait to give that to everybody."

Hell, the media even laughed with him! Who knew that Bill had jokes? I mean he's handling himself pretty well considering he's planning on starting Donte Stallworth at QB next week isn't he? I mean that's what Stallworth said wasn't it? The fact that the whole team is getting in on the fun is just great. This whole thing is just another example of Belichick being the "puppet master". I sometimes get the feeling that everyone in the NFL this season are unknowing participants of the Truman Show and that Belichick is both director and producer.

As for what's really going on, who knows? All I do know is that come February 3rd Tom Brady will take his place behind the center and do what he does best, and that's win. Boot, no boot, it doesn't matter.

BallHype: hype it up!


Anonymous said...

Nice job the whole boot thing is a joke Tom will go out there and do exactly what he has been doing all season. No team can compare not to the Pats or any of the Boston teams.

Anonymous said...

John ,love your site.your auny Mary sent it to me and I forwarded to my friends.good luck,will check back .
Tony P