Best Fights in Boston Sports History. You have to watch this video!

Friday, January 18, 2008

What's with all the hate?

All the hype and talk over the upcoming Patriots game this weekend vs the Chargers has me thinking, why all the hatred toward the Patriots? When did it all start? What are the reasons? The best that I can seem to come up with is this: In America we love a long as you don't win too much. It wasn't too long ago that the Patriots were America's darlings. It was in the aftermath of 9/11 when the Patriots took on the St. Louis Rams as huge underdogs and it seemed like everyone in the country was pulling for them. They were the little engine that could. A team full of role players and no one gave them a chance. I guess the only thing that Americans really love more than a winner is the little man trying to beat a giant. Just six years later here we are looking at a team that has started from humble beginnings and turned themselves into a dynasty.

Why is it that in America we all strive for perfection but when someone else is knocking on that door, we turn on them and try to tear them down? What is it about people that makes them turn their backs on a winner? What have the Patriots done to deserve all the hatred except for winning? Spygate you say? Well let's really look at that.

The Haters will say: They cheated in that first game and don't deserve all the credit they have received for this season.

A Pats fan will say: How the hell is cheating in one game, the first game, going to help you go undefeated over the course of a season? Yes, they cheated, they got caught, and they paid the price. Besides, everyone tries to steal signs in professional sports.

I am partial to the second line of thought.

The Haters will say: Bill Belichick is an arrogant jerk!

A Pats fan will say: Bill Belichick is a great coach who keeps his players in line and accepts nothing short of perfection from his players. Besides, he doesn't get paid to be Mr. Personality, he gets paid to win football games. Which, by the way, he does better than anyone else lately.

The Haters will say: The 1972 Dolphins were a better team.

A Pats fan will say: Who gives a shit what you think about that? The two teams will never play one another and it is impossible to say who would have won. The fact is this, the Pats are the best team in football right now.

But what is the truth? Could that one game have possibly given the Patriots an edge over every other team in the NFL? Surely a rational person can't believe that. Can they?

I believe it's as simple as this: We as people look for any reason to unleash our jealousy and envy upon a winner. Apparently it is just easier for people to take a negative and run with it than it is to give credit to a team who has built a dynasty upon hard work and a "team first" attitude.

To true fans of the game I say this: Enjoy this very special season. It is something that will not come around again anytime soon. To all the Haters I say this: jealousy is an ugly quality and the fact that you can't appreciate something special when you see it is just plain sad.

BallHype: hype it up!