Best Fights in Boston Sports History. You have to watch this video!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Before you read any further answer this question. Are the San Francisco 49er's a great team?

Just the other day at my local watering hole I was having a conversation with a Yankee fan, which got me thinking. When does history become history? How much time has to pass before you can no longer say that your team is great because, simply put, they haven't done anything lately? Yankee fans seem to think that they are still on the top of the sports mountain, but are they? They certainly have a spot in history as one of the greatest sports franchises of all time, but when does it become "you were great" and not "you are great"? By the way, this is not just about the Yankees they just happen to be my favorite example currently! When do the bragging rights get put to rest? If the Yanks don't win a World Series for another ten years can they still brag about all the rings they won 30, 40, or 50 years ago? Can the 49er's say that they're currently great because of what they did under the leadership of Young or Montana? When you put it like that it seems almost laughable. I think we need Triple H to have this put on the "Man Law" negotiating table. Man law, you can not brag about accomplishments that occurred over a decade ago if you are discussing the best teams of the moment! Don't get me wrong, I'm not down playing the importance of history in sports. History is a big part of the game. It's a part of the game that allows friends to sit around years later and reminisce about their younger days and some of their finest hours as sports fans, as well as to separate the band wagon fans from the real ones. It also creates traditions and greatness. So, as for the history of the game, I say know it, appreciate it, and continue to watch it unfold. As for the present, you're either winning or losing and what you did 30 years ago can't help you now! A great franchise is not the same as a great team.

BallHype: hype it up!